A Lincolnshire lad eh? Ignore the blurb, I'm actually from Manc but I moved to Brisbane this year.
Good to see you and have fun here!
Hi all, just thought i'd pop my head in and say hello as i've just joined the forum. I've been playing FF games for as long as i can remember having actually played games so you could well say im hooked. I have a large FF collection including books, films, soundtracks, games, figures and artwork. My favourite has to be VII simply because it was the first i finished although X and XII are not far behind.
I generally spend my days involved in one of my many hobies including wargaming, anime, card/board games, drawing, writing, and of course gaming on ma consoles ^.^
Hope to have fun on here and see you all around
A Lincolnshire lad eh? Ignore the blurb, I'm actually from Manc but I moved to Brisbane this year.
Good to see you and have fun here!
Welcome to the forums! ^^;
soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.
PRK9 ♥ Prestige+ ♥ GDEAA
aye lincolnshire lad born and raised (though i'm unsure wether or not to be proud of that comment ><)
Thankyou for the welcome guys
Hey! Have fun here! About your avatar, what is that tattoo of?
The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:
Hi, the tattoo is of Lucy from the anime series 'Elfen Lied' it's an amazing little series with some rather emotional parts throughout. The words underneath say "innocence Shattered" which if you have ever seen the show kinda sums up Lucy in a way, hence why i added them to the image.
Hello, Melsaphim, welcome to the forums![]()